2. Guide
  3. Permanent memorial services and burial of ashes

Permanent memorial services and burial of ashes

Permanent memorial services and burial of ashes

Permanent memorial services and burial of ashes

Permanent memorial services

Seiryuin offers memorial services for bereavement days and annual memorial services. Seiryuin Temple will take full responsibility for the care and management of the deceased for a long period of time. We are happy to provide this service for those who have no heirs, do not want to burden their families, or are unable to visit the cemetery because it is located too far away.

Burial of ashes

At Seiryuin, in addition to the usual gravestone, we also have an ossuary where data can be left behind in line with the trends of the times.
While it is common practice to bury the remains in a grave for memorial services, at our temple, the remains are deposited in an ossuary, where they will be cared for and maintained by our priests for a long time. After that, the remains will be moved to a permanent memorial tomb.
※The above does not apply to cases where the contract for the Ossuary is not renewed.